
From DSP to Assistant Manager Trainer – The Passion to Help Others Succeed

From DSP to Assistant Manager Trainer – The Passion to Help Others Succeed

I am Liberty: From DSP to Assistant Manager Trainer - The Passion to Help Others Succeed. Headshot of Melissa Lais with man she supports at Liberty ARC.

“I love to see others succeed, including my coworkers doing their jobs and the people we support with their goals,” Melissa Lais said.

Melissa, an Assistant Manager Trainer, has been working at Liberty ARC for 11 years. She has worked her way up the ladder within the agency starting her career as a Direct Support Professional (DSP) right out of high school. Melissa is a mentor, support system, and a trainer, which are critical elements to create a long-term team of skilled and confident staff.

“I love to help people, and I love Liberty ARC,” Melissa said. “And my passion for assisting others is what made me fall in love with the agency.”

Her vast experience and roles in residential program made her the perfect fit for her current Melissa has worked in a variety of homes as Awake Night, Relief, Assistant Manager, Assistant Live-In Manager, and Manager.

“Because of my experiences and the doors that have opened for me at Liberty, I am now able to help other staff succeed,” Melissa said. “It’s a great feeling to give back, and pay it forward.”

As the Assistant Manager Trainer, Melissa trains newly hired Assistant Managers and DSPs as they enter the residences they will be working in. She is a support to the Assistant Mangers while they transition into their new role. She helps them understand the operations of the sites, fosters a positive working environment that promotes employee engagement, and provides professional development opportunities for those she is training.

“I have the knowledge and experience, and I want to train Liberty staff to be better in order to provide the best services and care for the people we support,” Melissa said. “For the Assistant Managers, it’s not only beneficial for them to have this hands on training, but as they progress in their career and may come upon a situation they know they have me as a support system as someone they can always come to lean on if it’s needed.”

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