Career & Employment Network

Career & Employment Network logoFor more than 25 years, Liberty ARC’s Career & Employment Network (CEN) offers individuals with disabilities personalized training, assessment, career planning, job placement and on-the-job coaching supports. CEN also partners with local school districts to provide youth with community work-based learning opportunities and school-to-work transition services.

People with developmental and other disabilities are matched to career opportunities within our community based on individual personal preferences, strengths and competencies. CEN has over 120 established business partners throughout and extending beyond Montgomery County.

Vocational Services offers a variety of pre-employment assessments, skill development supports and discovery opportunities which are critical for a person with a desire to prepare for entry into the workforce. A person participating in vocational services will be supported and encouraged to develop essential skills (soft and hard skills) which foster their independence.

CEN also provides benefits counseling, resume development, job interview preparation, job searching, career advancement, advocacy, navigation of employee relations and benefits, development of workplace accommodations, on the job training/coaching and more.

If you are an employer, CEN can be a resource to your business by offering:

  • Access to trained and competent employees
  • Information and access to State and Federal Tax incentives
  • Work Try Out Hiring Incentive
  • One-on-One support and contact with a job coach at no cost to the employer
  • Ongoing on-the-job training, coaching and follow-up to ensure the employee is trained and performing to your satisfaction

Click here for an inspiring story about finding success in the workplace!

Woman smiling cleaning off a table at a restaurant with her other hand over a food tray.

Contact us at:

15 Market Street
Amsterdam, NY 12010

Coordinator of Employment Services 518-842-5080 ext 3081
Intake Coordinator 518-842-5080 ext 3089
Assistant Director of Employment Services 518-842-5080 ext 3258
Director of Employment Services 518-842-5080 ext 3126

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