Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What geographic area is served by Liberty ARC’s Day Support Program?
A. Typically Liberty ARC’s Day Habilitation Program serves people who live in Montgomery County, NY.

Q. Who is eligible for services?
A. A person must meet the criteria below. Admissions counselors are available to aid you in determining eligibility:

  • Determined to have a developmental disability
  • 21 and over — An individualized transitional program can be arranged with local schools for students 18-20
  • Medicaid eligible

Q. What clinical services are available through Liberty ARC Day Supports?
A. The Day Habilitation Program includes the following clinical supports: Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Nursing, Speech and Language Therapy, Psychological and Behavioral Supports, Social Work, and Nutritional Services.

Q. Is transportation provided to and from Liberty ARC’s Day Support Programs?
A. Yes, transportation is provided.

Q. Do I have to pay for Liberty ARC Day Supports?
A. Liberty ARC’s Day Support Programs are funded in full through Medicaid. Liberty ARC staff can assist in determining Medicaid eligibility.

Q. As a family member, how much involvement can I have in the program?
A. Liberty ARC believes that each person should be at the center of their program planning and program implementation. Family members and close friends play a significant role in supporting the individuals in the development of their plans and overall decision making. Family and friends are always welcome to visit and observe the activities of the Day Support Program.

For more information about Liberty ARC’s Day Support Programs contact Liberty ARC’s Intake Coordinator at 518-954-3239 or by clicking here.

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