Job Coaching That Builds Self-Confidence

I am Liberty Story: Career & Employment Network. Headshot of Cyndi Moore.

“It’s rewarding seeing someone who’s struggling to find a job and struggling to make money become someone who’s maintaining a position and paying their bills and thriving independently,” Cyndi Moore, employment support specialist for Liberty ARC’s Career and Employment Network (CEN), said.

Cyndi’s been working for CEN for the last year. She said she really likes her position because she feels like she’s building the confidence levels of the individuals she supports, and she feels like she’s making a difference.

“I initially was interested in this position because of my brother,” she said. “He had a disability and he worked. Working was important to him and it gave him independence and self-confidence. The agency he received services from really took care of him and it was noticeable. When he passed away, I decided I wanted to give back and devote my time to supporting those like my brother.”

Cyndi said she enjoys seeing the individuals she supports strive for promotions and set goals for themselves and take steps to achieving their goals.

“There’s a young woman on my caseload who works as a receptionist,” Cyndi said. “She’s applied for a full-time receptionist position, but she hasn’t been hired because they don’t think she has the skills for full-time yet. She’s very determined, and she’s been working very hard at improving her skills and checks in with me frequently. I’m proud of her.”

Cyndi said she thinks it’s important to recognize the hard work of those with disabilities.

“It’s important for people in society to be aware of how many people with disabilities do work and are out there trying their best to achieve their goals,” she said.

If you are interested in joining the Liberty ARC team and want a meaningful career, please visit HERE to see our current openings.


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